
F. You'll change your opposition to the New Gulf War pretty quick when you're being gassed or bombed!

The closest analog to this is:

1. Believe in Pooky-Wompum or you will be condemned to an eternity of being forced to watch Dukes of Hazzard reruns!

Logical Structure:

If I'm right, something bad will happen to you if you don't agree with me.
I'm right.

Notice that the force of the threat depends entirely on whether or not the claim is true.  If the opponent of the New Gulf War is right that it is unnecessary and dangerous, then his opposition to it does not place him in any danger. If the disbeliever in Pooky-Wompum is right, her disbelief places her in no danger of being condemned to an eternity of being forced to watch Bo and Luke Duke foil Sherrif Lobo.

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