G. Russia has a choice. Stride forward in capitalism
or turn back to communism.
One way to standardize this is:
can choose to be either a capitalist or a communist economy.
(A communist
economy is not an option.)
(Russia will (or should) choose to have a
capitalist economy.)
If we take that standardization, the closest analog to it is:
7. Ralph Nader is not a Democrat. Therefore he's a Republican.
(Ralph Nader either a Democrat or a Republican.)
Ralph Nader is not a Democrat.
Ralph Nader is a republican.
Logical Structure:
X is either a Y or a Z
X is not a Y
is a Z
(A situation where something can only be one of two things is called a "dichotomy."
When someone falsely says that something can only be one of two things,
that's a "false dichotomy.)
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