Argument set and standardization. (You don't have to do this for the homework.)

Ezequiel. That Morticia de Ath is a bloody murderer! You know she picked up a loaded gun at that gun show and just blasted away at random people, killing seven of them.
She's not a murderer. "Murder" is defined in the dictionary as unjustifiably killing a person with malice aforethought. Morticia de Ath acted completely without malice, and she certainly didn't have any forethought of any kind, so what she did couldn't possibly be murder.

Ezequiel.  1. Morticia de Ath shot a gun at random people.
                2. Morticia de Ath's random shooting killed seven people.                                       
                C. Morticia de Ath is a murderer.         

Kelli.    1. "Murder" is defined in the dictionary as unjustifiably killing a person with malice aforethought.
                2. Morticia de Ath acted without malice aforethought                                        
                C. Morticia de Ath is not a murderer.           

Contextualization. (This is what you do for the homework.)
Basic Issue: Is Morticia de Ath a murderer? (Ezequiel says yes, Kelli says no.)
Null Hypothesis: Prior to evidence, we should always assume people are not criminals, so our background knowledge is that she isn't.
Ezequiel. Heavy Burden of Proof (If his argument fails, Morticia de Ath is innocent.)
Kelli. No burden. (She's supporting the null hypothesis.)

(Analysis and evaluation skipped.)

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