I am Lucifer DeMorte
Does Chiropractic Really Help Your Back?

Some students argue that chiropractic fails to be an effective treatment for anything beyond lower back pain. The question is, does chiropractic work even for that? your assignment is to figure out whether or not chiropractic works at all. Have chiropractors presented convincing evidence that chiropractic treatment works on back pain?

Most chiropracters claim that chiropractic is a effective method of treating lower bac. That is, they claim that using appropriate chiropractic techniques, a qualified chiropracter can generate changes in a person's back that, A. were produced by the application of chiropractic methods to the client's body, (not by other processes well-known to medicine), B. could not have been so easily generated by non-chiropractic methods, (such as non-chiropractic manipulation or other massage), and C. actually cause a significant improvement in the client's lower back.

Critics of chiropractic claim that this never happens, chiropractic theory is not supported by evidence, that applying specifically chiropractic methods to someone's spine produces no improvement in the lower back. They do not rule out the possibility that people enjoy visiting chiropractors, or that they may feel better after visiting a chiropractor. They just deny that chiropractic treatment really reduces back pain.

Your essay should explain your reasoning clearly and completely. It should not simply give a list of reasons that happen to support your opinion. Instead, it should carefully explain and critique the logic of what you take to be the one or two most important arguments on both sides of the issue.

For more information on how you might structure your paper, see conclusion.htm

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