I am Lucifer DeMorte
Crop Circle Odyssey Topic for Critical Thinking

Based on the evidence and arguments readily available to you right now, what proportion of crop circles are hoaxes?

A "cereologist" is a person who thinks that at least some crop circles are not human made hoaxes. (Their opponents call them "croppies".)
Following this usage, I'm going to use the word "ceralism" to denote the doctrine that at least some crop circles are not human made hoaxes.

Please use critical thinking whe you read these websites.
Don't take anyone as an authority unless you have good reason to do so.
Remember that people distort information and make things up.

Whatever you do, you must deal with the main argument against cerealism.

The actual argument against "cerealism" is that all the independently observed, actually occurring evidence can be easily explained by assuming all the circles were made by variously organized, clever hoaxers. The circles that are actually seen are all patterns that can be made by humans, albeit with varying degrees of difficulty. The other claims, as of eye-witnesses seeing strange lights, circles suddenly appearing, humanly-impossible bends in stalks, magnetite, meteorite dust, radiation and so on are all simply made up by various self-styled "cereologists"

A good place to go next is The UnMuseum

Hers's some links

Cerealist Sites

Mystical Blaze


The Puzzle

Science Mysteries

Janet Ossebaard

Crop Circle Research

Swirled News


Facts and Theories

Patrick Cooke  

Beata Van Berkom

Ed Sherwood
Cerealist Sites

BLT Research


Bede Moore (ABC)

Bob Brown (ABC)

Chilbolton Code

Andy Morgan

Seeing A Circle Form

Nancy Talbot

Eyewitness In Holland

Kerry Blower

Eyewitness Report

MI5 Involvement
References To "Science" and "Scientific Studies"
(They're called "science", that doesn't necessarily mean they actually are science.)

Scientific Studies "Confirm Crop Circles Are Made By Balls Of Light

Dispersion Of Energies In Worldwide Crop Formations

Semi-Molten Meteoric Iron Associated with a Crop Formation

Anatomical anomalies in crop formation plants

Crop Circles baffle Scientists

MIT Students Fail To Replicate Crop Circle

Rebuttal to National Geographic

Consultants for BLT Research

Origin of crop circles baffles scientists
Opposing Sites

The UnMuseum


Peter Sorensen

AgCenter researchers

Freddy Silva vs Team Satan

Silva attacks Team Satan (AKA: "Circlemakers") (Alternative link)

Team Satan Strikes Back,

Follow up questions

Your odyssey should include a detailed asessment of the logic used on each side of the argument.

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