(Notes on a proposed moral
principle and/or virtue.)
Panlogism is the doctrine that rational thought can be found in an
amazingly wide variety of places, and that rational thought should be valued,
supported, encouraged and celebrated wherever it is found. Panlogism defines
rational thought as thought that follows whatever methods most tend to lead to
the fullest and deepest and truest understanding of whenever it is is being
studied. Thus, for Panlogism, the term "rational thought" includes creativity,
humility and imagination as well as logical rigor and careful attention to all
available relevant evidence. If you genuinely agree with this, and honestly make
your best efforts to understand and discover rational thought wherever it may
turn up, and do your best to encourage rational thought wherever you find it,
and advocate to others that they do the same, then you just might be a
A Panlogist doesn't necessarily have any particular beliefs about the
universe, although as someone who values rational thought she will probably tend
to have a lot of beliefs that are well supported by the evidence and argument
available to her. The surest sign as someone is really a Panlogist is the
practices she follows in dealing with other people and the views and arguments
those other people espouse. I have tried to sum up those practices in the
following set of rules.
Rule 1. (The cheerleader rule.) The most obvious rule of life following from
the basic tenet of Panlogism is that whenever you find someone who is genuinely
doing the best thinking they can do, you should verbally and otherwise support
that person in some appropriate manner. Even if this is a brief flash of good
thinking peeking out from the middle of a mountain of bad thinking, it is a
Panlogist's duty to point out that here, at least, good thinking is going on. I
fully understand that this kind of thing is almost always a thankless task, and
is very easily misinterpreted as providing support for that person's bad
thinking, but nevertheless, good thinking always deserves praise.
Rule 2. (The context rule.) When you judge a person's thinking, always
take into account the evidence and argument presently available to that
person. (This is a tricky rule, and you may need to study critical thinking
before you can apply it effectively, but you should always do it as best you
can.) A person who reaches a particular conclusion by ignoring evidence and
misconstruing arguments is not thinking well, but someone who reaches the same
conclusion because he has genuinely never heard of those arguments and evidence,
and thinks rationally about the evidence and argument he does happen to have, is
thinking rationally. A judgment of rationality can never depend solely on
whether or not a person reaches a particular conclusion. It must depend on
whether or not that person deals rationally with the evidence and arguments
presently available to him or her.
Rule 3. (Cromwell's rule.) Oliver Cromwell was a nasty, evil man, but he has
been quoted as saying something like "please always be willing to consider
that you may be wrong." If we are to find rational thought wherever it may
turn up, we have to be willing to find it in the thinking of people who we
radically disagree with. For instance, believers must be willing to find
rationality in the thinking of various Atheists, and vice versa. Evolutionists
must be willing to find rationality in the thinking of various creationists, and
vice versa. And most particularly, skeptics must be willing to find rationality
in the thinking of various astrologers, and vice versa. We prejudice ourselves
when we look at a line of thought with the assumption that because it appears to
contradict our own thinking, it must necessarily be wrong. Cromwell's rule gives
us cognitive and emotional space to rationally consider the thinking of our
opponents by putting our own firm commitments aside for the moment. Cromwell's
rule does not require anyone to go over to his opponents views, it just asks you
to be willing to give the other side a break. (Of course, we have no evidence
that Cromwell ever followed Cromwell's rule.)
Rule 4. (Galileo's rule.) Before Galileo, people who were reckoned to be wise men by European society were not generally given to admitting ignorance. They would make up answers, or change the subject, or talk nonsense, or anything rather than admitting ignorance. Galileo, on the other hand, specifically told his students that if they did not know the answer to a question, they should explicitly say that they did not know. This is still a good rule.
If you don't know the answer to a question, admit that you do not know, and go on from there. (If anyone gives you a hard time for admitting ignorance, see the "Gloves-Off" rule below.)
The same goes for admitting that you were wrong about something. Openly and
thoroughly correct your own mistake, even if nobody else caught it.
Rule 5. (Cognitive economy.) Genuine intellectual inquiry requires you to
follow your own nose wherever it leads. You are the final arbiter of what
you should study, how you should study it, and when you should go on to
something else. Obviously, Panlogism requires you to do this on the basis of the
best reasoning you can do, but that's for you to judge also. No one else has
authority to tell you what to study. Nothing in Panlogism requires you to give
up your own aims and purposes in favor of other people's ideas. If you have made
up your mind about something on the basis of a thorough investigation of all the
relevant arguments, no one has a right to demand that you put in more time on
the subject. You may do so if you are interested, but if you are bored with a
subject, or have reason to believe it has nothing more to offer you, no one has
the right to say you're doing anything wrong if you go on to something else. You
have a limited amount of time to spend thinking about stuff, and you have the
right to decide how you spend it. Period.
Rule 6. (Rational competence.) Well, okay, maybe there is one subject that
every Panlogist should study. If we're going to do the best thinking we can do,
this would seem to imply that we ought to learn how to do it as well as
possible. This implies at least some kind of study of critical thinking.
I would recommend taking a college-level class in critical thinking,
but not all college-level classes are good, (some are awful), and there are
other effective ways to learn critical thinking. So I think that Panlogism
implies learning critical thinking at your own pace, in whatever manner works
best for you. Take a class, or independently work your way through a textbook,
or simply take the time every once in a while to think about whether or not a
particular form of argument is a good argument. You can't really claim to be
supporting and encouraging rational thought if you haven't taken at least some
time to learn the difference between rational and irrational thought.
Rule 7. (Plain speaking.) You will notice that I write in a very colloquial
style. I try very hard to be clear. Not all writers try to be clear. Some try to
look intellectual, or to look academic, or to look so complicated that the
reader will think that their work has intellectual value because the reader has
no idea what it is saying. Panlogism implies a duty to be clear, which means
making a genuine effort to write in a way that is as easy to understand as
possible. Panlogists therefore reject all forms of verbose obfuscation, and
anything else that gets in the way of clear communication. Writing should only
be as complicated as the subject matter requires. This also means that you are
entitled to reject any argument that you genuinely cannot understand. If
someone's argument really is too complicated for you to follow, then it is too
complicated to support his point. Panlogism does not reject colloquialism, it
does not reject slang, it especially does not reject humor, it does not reject
sarcasm, it even does not reject obscenity. It merely rejects whenever gets in
the way of clear communication.
Rule 8. (Engagement, or the Oh Yeah? rule.) Panlogists have a duty to put
their own views forward whenever it is not inappropriate to do so. We don't have
a duty to randomly push our views on other people, but we do have a duty to
correct irrational thinking as best we can, whenever we find it, and can safely
do so at a no more than reasonable cost to ourselves. Basically, never let bad
thinking go unchallenged if you can help it. Of course, you may not always feel
like doing this, so it's not the kind of duty that requires you to be obsessive
about correcting other people's logic. Generally you should be tactful, and I
expect there will be plenty of occasions where you will reasonably decide to
just let it go.
Rule 9. (The Gloves-Off rule.) Obviously, supporting the rational thought of
others will require us to be courteous and respectful, but there's a limit. If
someone insists on talking to you, but over and over again refuses to
intelligently respond to logic of what you say to him, then Panlogism implies
that you have a duty to enjoy your self anyway you can. If rational argument
cannot get through, then perhaps humor, sarcasm, insult, deliberate
misunderstanding, elaborate fantasy, repeatedly saying "ni" to them, false
profession of imaginary but hideously frightening religion, expressive gestures,
or relentless logical nitpicking will. And if you don't get through, then at
least you're having a good time. (This is also a good thing to do to people who
call you at dinnertime to sell you things.) Remember that you should always give
these people (except for telephone solicitors) plenty of opportunity to be
rational before you unleash your dark side, but if they just won't play nice,
then you owe them nothing.
Rule 10. (Fairness rule.) Being fair and even handed doesn't mean
pretending that each side in some dispute has an equally strong case. If one
side is logically weak, a fair and balanced appraisal of it's arguments will
make that weakness abundantly clear.
Innate differences in intelligence exist, but there's no reason to pay much
attention to them.
I expect that there are more rules, but I haven't thought of them yet.
More about Panlogism. (If a link is inactive, that means I haven't written
the page yet.
Rationality. (What really is the difference between a rational and an
irrational way of thinking?)
Panlogism and religion. (Can religious people be Panlogists, and if so, how?)
Logology (Panlogistic Paganism, or Panlogism taken as a religion in itself.)
A Panlogistic Canon. (Books, movies, and other works that can somehow promote
more careful and insightful reasoning.)
A New Valhalla. (We can learn a lot about rationality by studying people who
risked their lives to fight for rationally justified causes.)
A New Olympus. (We can learn a lot about rational thinking by studying people
who were stunningly good at it.)
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