Intro Philosophy Readings

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Introduction and Rules of Philosophy                                                                                              

Midwifery, Innate Ideas and Soul      Theaetetus (lines 300-430, in red)          Meno (lines 417-666, in brown)   Does the Center Hold, page 48

Plato’s Theory of Knowledge            Theaetetus (lines 2691-2851, in blue)     Does the Center Hold, pages 40-42

The Rationalism of Descartes              intro03.htm (contains reading help)     Does the Center Hold, pages 55-71

Descartes Theory of Mind                   intro04.htm (contains reading help)            Does the Center Hold, pages 113-119

Locke                                                  intro05.htm (contains reading help)         Does the Center Hold, pages 75-81

Berkeley                                              intro06.htm (contains reading help)
                                                                                    Does the Center Hold, pages 82-90

Hume                                                   intro07.htm (contains reading help)
                                                                                    Does the Center Hold, pages 90-95

Mind-Brain Identity                             intro08.htm                   Does the Center Hold, pages 129-133

Functionalism                                      intro09.htm                  Does the Center Hold, pages 136-144

Determinism and Free will                   intro10.htm                   Does the Center Hold, pages 220-225, 235-237

Compatibilism and Incompatibilism    intro11.htm                      Does the Center Hold, pages 228-230, 233-234, & 237-240.

Final Exam                                        finalstudy.htm

Assignments and Supplimentary Information



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