I am Lucifer DeMorte

Is Michael Moore Right or Wrong About The Bush Presidency?

Your initial task her is to take just one significant claim Michael Moore makes about the Bush presedency or the events leading up to 9/11, explain Moore's argument for that claim, explain the opposing rebuttal to that argument, say which argument succeeds and explain why.

This means:

1. Picking out something controversial that Moore says in his film.
2. Finding the main thing(s) he says in support of this claim.
3. Finding at least one thing the opposition says against Moore's claim or against his argument.
4. Figuring out which side is right on this issue.
5. Writing a paper saying which side is right and explaining all the thinking you did in coming to this conclusion.

Wikipedia on the Movie
Wikipedia on the Controversy

Movie's Homepage

Wikipedia on Celsius_41.11 (A conservative response to F911)
Celsius41.11 official self-description

Blog where you can apparantly watch both films: watch-celsius-4111-truth-behind-lies-of

Christopher Hitchens attacks Fahrenheit 9/11

Chris Parry replies to Christopher Hitchens

Moore's Responses To Criticisms of Fahrenheit 9/11

Copyright © 2011 by Martin C. Young

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