I am Lucifer DeMorte

Antifa: Good Guys, Bad Guys, or What?

From the links below, pick one argument for and one against the morality of "antifa". Describe Antifa as accurately as possible, and then analyze and evaluate each argument, decide which one is the weakest, and write a paper saying which argument is logically weaker and explaining why it is weaker.


Battle of Cable Street

Antifa (United States) - Wikipedia

Antifa—Background - CRS Reports

What Is Antifa? - The New York Times

What Antifa Is, What It Isn't, and Why It Matters

Criticizing Antifa

What Is Antifa? - by Nate Hochman - The Dispatch

Prager U: Antifa, terrorizing and attacking innocent people

Antifa - Activist Facts

Defending or Exonerating Antifa

Who are Antifa? - ADL

Antifa, the militant left-wing group Trump hates, explained - Vox

Five myths about antifa - The Washington Post

FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’

What is antifa?

Who Are Antifa, and Are They a Threat?

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