I am Lucifer DeMorte
Fairness Doctrine

Up until 1987, the United States had what was called the "fairness doctrine," which imposed upon broadcasters the duty to give at least some air time to people who objected to views expressed on their stations. This doctrine was abolished by then-president Ronald Reagan.

Some people think this was a good idea. Others want to restore the fairness doctrine. Who has the better case?

Should the Fairness Doctrine be restored?

For: Reclaim the Media - reclaimthemedia.org
For: Liberal Media?
For: Iowans for Better Local TV
For: Those of Us Who Know That America's Worth Fighting for Have to Take It Back Now from Those Who Don't

The pro side seems to argue that one-sided promotion of a particular interest is _against_ the public interest., and that lack of discussion is much, much better than relentless propaganda. If a "news" outlet wants to stay away from careful analysis of important issues, that's their right. If they want to ignore one side of the discussion and suppress facts they don't like, that's wrong.

Recently, Fox news claimed that Hostess _had_to_ close their factory merely _because_ the unions refused to take a pay cut. They neglected to report that the unions had already accepted substantial cuts in pay and benefits, that the Hostess CEO had been given a substantial _raise_, and that the money from concessions had been paid out as dividends and profits to investors instead of being reinvested in the company. (http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/heather/fox-blames-union-hostess-bankruptcy-ignore) Fox reported the story as unions killing a healthy business, without even mentioning the possibility of mismanagement and greed, or reporting any of the facts that contradicted their version of events.

The fairness doctrine would have given the unions the right to have a short rebuttal aired on Fox News. As it is, there is no such right, and the pro side would argue that it is in the public interest that viewers of specific news outlets get both sides of whatever stories they are told.

Against: Reason magazine -- March 2001, Citings
Against: Jacob Sullum -- Reason magazine
Against: Reason magazine -- November 1999
Against: Reason magazine -- June 1997
Against: Copyright 2004 WHYY

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