I am Lucifer DeMorte

Chiropractic Links

The fundamental question is: Did D. D. Palmer (or his son. B. J. Palmer) make any significant original contribution to medical science? Is there any genuine knowledge or effecive treatment for any ailment that stems from any new insight into the human body generated by Palmer? (Medical treatment provided by chiropractors is not relevant to this question. Only evidence relevant to chiropractic adjustment will count in the end.)

There are two possible answers to this question:

1. (Positive) Treatment based on Palmer's unique chiropractic theory of health is effective for at least one aliment. Proponants of this view usually at least claim that chiropractic theory explains low back pain, (if not asthma, cancer and deafness), and that treatment based on chiropractic theory is effective in relieving lower back pain, (and maybe asthma, cancer and deafness).

2. (Negative) Treatment based on Palmer's unique chiropractic theory of health is not effective for any aliment. Proponants of this view usually claim that chiropractic theory does not explain low back pain, or anything else, and that treatment based on chiropractic theory is not effective in relieving lower back pain, or anything else.

Most chiropracters claim that chiropractic is a effective method of promoting heath. That is, they claim that using appropriate chiropractic techniques, a qualified chiropracter can generate changes that,

A. were produced by the application of chiropractic methods to the client's body, not by processes well-known to medicine,
B. could not have been so easily generated by non-chiropractic methods, such as non-chiropractic manipulation or other massage, and
C. represent a significant improvement in the client's health.

Critics of chiropractic claim that this never happens, chiropractic theory is not supported by evidence, that applying specifically chiropractic methods to someone's spine produces no improvements in health. They do not rule out the possibility that people enjoy visiting chiropractors, or that they may feel better after visiting a chiropractor. They just deny that chiropractic treatment really produces health improvements.

Based on the limited evidence available to you through this website, does chiropractic treatment do anything to help people's health?

Please let me know if any of these links are broken or otherwise unhelpful.

Scientific skepticism (Some basic guidelines for approaching questions like this.)

Origin and History of Chiropractic (By supporters) (Alternative link, Alternative link, alternative link, alternative link

Frequently Asked Questions

7 Things You Need to Know About Chiropractic Therapy (Anti chiro)

Chirobase (Your Skeptical Guide to Chiropractic History, Theories, and Practices )

What's the best Rx for lower-back pain?

American Chiropractic Association (Pro-Chiro)

NCAHF Fact Sheet on Chiropractic (2001) (Anti chiro)

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) (Pro-Chiro)

The Doctor Within (Pro-Chiro)

How Does Chiropractic Work (Pro-Chiro)

How Does Chiropractic Work (Pro-Chiro)

Waxhaw Chiropractor: How does chiropractic work? (Pro-Chiro)

Newark Chiropractor,How does chiropractic work (Pro-Chiro)

How Does Chiropractic Work (Pro-Chiro)

The Skeptic's Dictionary on chiropractic (Anti-Chiro, with links to other articles)

Chiropractic A Skeptical Guide (Anti-Chiro, with dozens of links!)

Victims of Chiropractic (Anti-Chiro)

Chiropractic Book Contents (Anti-Chiro)

Chiropractic Does the Bad Outweigh the Good A chiropractor defends and criticizes chiropractic.

Peter J. Modde, D.C. criticizes chiropractic :http://www.chirobase.org/01General/modde.html

A scientific test of the chiropractic theory

Online book criticising Chiropractic: http://books.google.com/books

The Skeptic encyclopedia of pseudoscience, Volume 1 (Discussion of chiropractic starts on page 308.)

Huge online discussion in non-technical language: http://chirotalk.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=litaleg&action=display&thread=1985
(Use your search function to find keywords.)

If you are just collecting arguments for argument extraction, try to find arguments that bear on the question of whether or not the original theory of D. D. Palmer is scientifically valid.

If you are writing an odyssey, your first stage should include at least one pro-chiro argument, at least one anti-chiro argument, and your carefully explained reasoning as to whether or not the evidence presented in these arguments supports the claim that chiropractic works for anything at all.

Your essay should explain your reasoning clearly and completely. It should not simply give a list of reasons that happen to support your opinion. Instead, it should carefully explain and critique the logic of what you take to be the one or two most important arguments on both sides of the issue.

For more information on how you might structure your paper, see conclusion.htm or odysseymodel.htm

Here are some relevant articles and links. (Please email me about any broken links. If it's urgent, please call.)

Follow-Up Questions

Asthma     Rand Study       Manga Study        The AHCPR Study

Comment on the New Zealand report:

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